Monday, March 31, 2008

Child Prodigy Sufiah Yusof VS Hooker Shilpa Lee

A maths genius won a prize at Oxford University at aged 13 was famous over the world. However, she now 23 years old called herself as Shilpa Lee and advertises her body on an Internet sex site with a half-nuded body, charging 130 pounds an hour or $258. From brainy to prostitution. She found it is more easy way to earn money of selling her body to punters over the internet instead of using brain. What a funny statement.

In a reality life, normally child prodigy wouldn't have a happy and easy at the end of their life. Maybe they have suffered lots of stresses from different aspects. Too many expectations and requirements were putting on their side. They can’t to live as a normal life as others have.
People said:” Although she is a math genius who expertise in mathematics, but she is know-nothing in every single of life like morally or theologically.” Unbalancing of thinking….. out of control

Read more on Sufiah

Read on other celebrity - Carla Bruni, Sharon Stone

英國數學女神童蘇菲雅(Sufiah Yusof)10年前以13歲之齡考入牛津大學而名噪一時,英國報章最近卻“放蛇”揭發她淪為“曼城妓女”,透過互聯網出賣肉體。


Sunday, March 30, 2008




来到老祖母的墓碑,这次是我第一次来拜祭老祖母,一个简单的墓碑,没有挂上照片,写上名字和普岜(代表潮州),妈妈说这个墓碑是啊公建的。我总觉得以前的祖先很本领,什么都亲历亲为好热心。 虽然,幕碑颜色已陈旧,但是看起来还蛮坚硬的。




古人说:《树欲静而风不止,子欲养儿亲不待》,意思是事物不以人的一直而转移 后句的意思是子女想要孝敬老人父母,而往往父母都已不再。所以,要孝敬再生的父母,不要后悔莫及阿!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Mudah murah all in “The marketplace of Malaysia”

Good news to all Malaysian. It is so excited that has provided an easy and convenient marketplace for us to sell and buy things or services through internet. We may post up our items for sale such as vehicles, properties, electronics, personal items, services or any services that we would like to offer. It will helps us to save lots of money and time to do the research and advertising.

Mudah murah all in “The marketplace of Malaysia”. Jom…..check it out at URL:

“Buy and Sell in your region”, all over Malaysia. That’s easy by just a click only.
See…it is a free way to promote your items here. With the sophisticated features provided by mudah, everyone can Buy and Sell without the necessity to go out for shop.

What are you waiting for? Quick…quick….go to

This review is brought to you by and!



就在大家都遗忘了这件事,香港那边厢淫照事件还是闹得满城风雨。受害者可见受害连连,早知今日有何必当初呢?或许我们看了哪些淫照事件会让我们大吃一惊。想不通的是那些明星挂羊头卖狗肉的,毫不真实。受害的明星有阿娇,张柏芝,Maggie Q, 杨永晴(Vincy)等等。还有跟陈冠希有绯闻的都一一被迁涉到,真让人担心。




Monday, March 24, 2008








Friday, March 21, 2008



一个没了右臂的马丽, 一个没了左脚的翟孝伟。 合作起来就像三只手三只脚的舞蹈,两个完美的灵魂在舞台上颤动。




Thursday, March 20, 2008

Malaysia to retire 1 sen. How to handle it in Dynamics AX?

Goodbye to 1 sen. Malaysia is not to use 1 sen anymore at 1st April 2008. The "rounding mechanism" that would be used for all over-the-counter transactions like retails industry. It means that all payment totals will be rounded up or rounded down to the nearest of five sen.
For example, if the total amount to be paid is RM63.01 or RM63.02, it would be rounded down to RM63; if the total is RM63.03 or RM63.04, it would be rounded up to RM63.05.

The table below illustrates how the rounding mechanism works.

The above rounding mechanism will be fully implemented at 1st April 2008. Hence, some of the Dynamics AX consultants will seeking for the solution on how to handle the 1 sen scenarios. In this article, I will try to give you a short answer and explain on the solution.
From my point of view, firstly we have to re-configure the setting in exchange rate for RMY currency.

The screenshot below illustrates the setting in exchange rates form.

The following is probably over simplistic but to me there are the reason behind the setting.

After finished the above setting, you may get the following result once create the transaction.
System will automatically round-up the RM63.03 amount to RM63.05.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Dynamics AX 2009

According to Microsoft, Convergence attendees will get a sneak peek into Microsoft Dynamics AX 2009 (codenamed AX 5.0), scheduled for release no later than 2009.

If not mistaken, everyone of AX people are eagerly want to see this new version of product. The user interfaces (UI) have changed a lot; they called it as “M3” features. It consists of menu bar, navigation pane and content pane. To me, all this newly designed DAX 2009 UI has improved in both user friendliness and flexibilities. The interface diced into more clearer and straightforward instead of putting all the itemized into a subfolder. From the previous version 4.0 some people complaint about the messy dices, at this time improved become a tidier layout. Microsoft is really putting a lot of effort to tailored user experiences.

Besides the interface changes, Finance and distribution are also have a lots of enhancement. The finance has enhanced into a more comprehensive way, it would added selling points to this product as well. In additional, there is one new module “Expense Management” installed in DAX 2009. I believe that most of the HR will be excited to implement this new module, it is simple and lots of the reimbursement rules and policy can be comply into the system as well as credit card import and export features. Thereafter, we will get suffered due to the strict rules and claims policies.

By the way, check out the new forthcoming book on Dynamics AX 2009 at Amazon. Well, just keep on exploring at DAX 2009 before it is going to release.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008



首相拿督斯里阿都拉佈新內閣陣容,內閣由原來的90人減至68人,半數由新人出任;政務次長職被廢除。虽然人马已换,但是 我们人民还是会静心观看他们的表现的,让我们拭目以待吧!



Thursday, March 13, 2008





Tuesday, March 11, 2008


史泰隆又重现荧幕了!这次是他Sylvester Stallone自导自演的一部战争戏。六十多岁的史泰隆看起来还不像真实年龄,体格壮大。只可惜他比并没有在这出戏里露出他那结实的肌肉,可能因为他的肚腩吧。




Politic Tsunami 暴风雨的前凑






Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Stupid or secure setting in Friendster?

I have encountered an issue at friendster last time. I found that I couldn’t see any comments on my page and my friends’ pages. Just curious that why I just can see the comment in text format instead of graphical.

Then, I tried to search for the solution from internet…..there are no answers! Nevertheless, I still looking for the problem and the first suspect was the profile setting. After thoroughly testing, finally I got to know the problem behind.

Haha… is very stupid setting. Opppsss…..not stupid la. Maybe some of the people want to keep the comment as privacy and hide the html or any images from being seen by others. This is highly protected and secured. Hmm….this is because I didn’t seriously go through the setting, that’s why encountered this problem. It is totally my mistake!

The answer is:
You go to setting > Personal Information and Privacy Settings tab page > Safe mode option.

If you enable (click Yes) the "safe mode" setting, you won't see any html, media, or CSS in profiles. It disables those features.
If you can't see your customized profile (CSS, HTML, BACKGROUND, ETC) click the Setting link (top right of any page) and make sure your SAFE MODE setting is set to "NO".

Bayu Puteri 风姿公主公寓

满城尽带黄金甲。这个诱人的夜景只能在Bayu Puteri 方能赏到哦。
夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏。金荡荡的光线穿越了云霄。。。罩胧了她Bayu Puteri 的脸庞。


那天,有人问我:Bayu Puteri的华语名 是什么? (这是位于浦种区,公主城的Bayu Puteri)
哎哟!我也不知道也。 好像是海风公主?难道是陆风公主?又好像不是吧。 因为巴生也有Bayu Puteri。



向西座的。。。有美丽的夜景看哟。这里离开Giant也只不过5km, 吃东西应有尽有!

据说这里的居民有九成是华人,其他是异族朋友。搬进来住的人逐渐多了,几乎都是年轻人多啊。。。 也许这里的房价都是年轻人买得起的吧。还是现在的年轻人都蛮有$??