Wednesday, December 26, 2007

新马币五十元 Ringgit Malaysia RM50.00 New Note Release




这次为了配合纪念我国独立五十周年而推出的新构思,它的设计主题是全国性的使命;那就是迈向一个经济发展蓬勃的时代。象征着马来西亚的经济转变成高评价的领域,例如农业,制造业和服务部门等等。整个设计还保留着first Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Abdul Rahman ibni Tuanku Muhammad的肖像,添加了我们的国花-大红花在钱币的中央。背景就以蓝青色为主(跟旧钱币差不多)类似songket编制成手工艺品。背后就以油棕树为主,显示出我国将迈向的目标放眼在农业领域。
1. 防水画像带有立体感
2. 安全线藏在纸内,银色点线发出赏光
3. 当钞票对这灯光时,你可看到黑色的线条和BNM RM50方复出现
4. 当你轻微翘起钞票时,50字目的颜色会转变成很多色彩
5. 一些隐藏着的图片会显示出来在复印的情况下
6. 新钞票有“反“复印的效果,要格外小心
7. 在灯光下,songket图片在正面会分外明显
8. 如果你用荧光灯(ultra-violet light)来看钞票的话,它会呈现出形形色色的颜色,好像彩虹般

Design for RM50 Banknote to Commemorate Malaysia's 50th Anniversary of Independence. The new design of RM50 banknote is the first denomination of the Fourth Series of Malaysian currency notes which will be replacing the existing series in stages. Bank Negara Malaysia announced that the new banknote will be available effective from 30/1/2008.

The new design RM50 banknote retains the predominant colour of green-blue. The main theme of the design is the National Mission where the first thrust is "to move the economy up the value chain" which reflects Malaysia’s economic transformation to the higher value-added activities in the agriculture, manufacturing and services sectors of the economy.

The dominant intaglio portrait of the first Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Tuanku Abdul Rahman ibni Tuanku Muhammad, is retained on the right and the national flower hibiscus is in the centre on the front of the new RM50 banknote. Design patterns from songket weaving, which are in the background and edges of the banknote, are featured to reflect the traditional Malaysian textile handicraft...

The security features incorporated in the Fourth Series of RM50 banknotes are as follows :

1. The Watermark Portrait can be recognised by tints that are lighter or darker than the surrounding paper.
2. This watermark portrait which has a three-dimensional effect appears without sharp outlines. At the base of the watermark, the numeral 50 is clearly visible.
3. The Security Thread is embedded in the paper and appears on the reverse side of the note as a silver coloured dotted line.
4. When the note is held against the light, it is seen as a continuous dark coloured line and the repeated text BNM RM50 can be read.
5. When viewed under ultra-violet light, the thread is seen in various changing colours known as the "rainbow effect".
6. Perfect See-Through Register feature where the graphic songket design on the obverse side of the note will register perfectly with the same graphic songket design on the reverse side when it is held against the light.
7. Hidden image with moiré effect where certain areas of the design appearance will change when the banknote is copied.
8. Anti-photocopy among new features of RM50 noteCertain features and background illustrations on the new RM50 note cannot be photocopied.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

圣诞节Bintang Walk狂欢

今天十二月二十六日,没心情做工阿。 可能是还停留在圣诞节的mood吧!提不起劲,怎么办呢?这个年尾实在太多假期了,每个人都浸在佳节中。

想不想知道现在时尚年轻人都是怎样狂欢这个佳节呢?他们都去星光熠熠的星光大道(Bintang Walk)倒数咯!那里最有圣诞feel了,到处都是人群,沿途路边的年轻男女起红帽当起圣诞老人和手握一枝喷雾和胶质彩,见人或车就喷,把你装饰成一颗圣诞树,有些被喷到像雪山一样白。那些白色的雾就满天飘。。。场面就像下雪!谁说马来西亚没下雪呢?在Bintang Walk你可以看到喔。


车水马龙的交通 走啊走,一起去倒数!

A: 看你死不死。。。B:喂,我不是蚊子啊。你搞错了!

快戴上圣诞帽吧 喷喷。。。看谁变雪人




《投名状》剧情: 既然有露点?!

有一幕是演几个年轻男兵们起了色心强奸了貌美的女生,真不敢相信那个画面既然有。。。。。。露点??没有理由阿。。怎么可能。。马来西亚电影检验局(Censorship board)既然可以通过,难道是看错了!不信的话,你们去看看吧。note: 其实我并没看到那残忍的一幕,这是我听到一位观众所讲的,所以如果你们也有新发现就告诉我吧。呵呵!


There is one scene describe several young male soldiers have conquered war at one village that looks similiar at wu zhen - village on water. These young guys met several girls to escape from the war and run away. Unfortunately, the girls have been raped by these soldiers.......Can't believe that, the censorship board didn't manage to cut the portion with naked body. Believe it or not, just go and watch this movie or check it out The WarLord for more details

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas ~~~圣诞节快乐!!

Xmas at Time Square Xmas at The Curve


圣诞树是不能少的布置咯,颗颗都琳琅满目的挂着形形色色的装饰品,甚至有些还挂着衣服,牛仔裤,食物等等,百花齐放,为了夺得民心一笑。马来西亚也不逊色喔,所有购物广场像One Utama, Times Squares, Sunway Pyramid, Mid Valley, The Curves,KLCC 等等都纷纷装饰来欢庆这个佳节,随而吸引大家到来购物。

A toyland full of joy and a british boy paying a drum.....

Colourful decoration.....

Variety ornament decorated along the staircase

Xmas at One Utama


Xmas at Pavilion Xmas at Mid Valley

Hoo…Hoo…Hoo….Jingle bells, jingle bells....Christmas is around the corner, I can’t wait for this Christmas coming because everyone is so exciting to welcome this HOT season coming. You wouldn’t miss the happy festival time no matter where you are either western country or Asia country. Especially is shopping complex will decorating a great variety decoration to celebrate this happy festival with joyously.

In Malaysia, there are lots of shopping complex like One Utama, Times Squares, Sunway Pyramid, Mid Valley, The curves,KLCC have tried their best to decorate various types of Christmas trees. You will find that a dazzling array of beautiful decoration to attract your attention to shop at their place and celebrate together. All are full of joy and happiness.

Wishing all a merry Christmas and to spend a peaceful night.

Guess....Whose christmas tree is more taller and prettier?
(Xmas at KLCC and Gurney)

Thursday, December 20, 2007


昨晚无所事事就到sunway phyramid 逛逛。顺便赶上了11点半的戏,不知怎的就选看了《投名状》这出电影。你知道啦自小就很迷恋古装动作/战争片的我,怎么会不支持它呢?




整部电影,我最欣赏刘德华饰演的赵二虎。觉得这人很仁慈善良的心,讲义气兄弟之情。赵二虎说“天大地大,没有兄弟的情大“,是个真正的好汉,可惜反遭大哥背叛杀害。发现刘德华的演技进步许多,很感人。 至于三虎呢, 我觉得姜午阳这个角色是最认真的兄弟。办起什么事都很认真的三虎,其实是一位很天真无邪,为了“投名状“而去卖命使命的实行者。金成武把这角色演得很不错,带给人一种可笑的错感-一句“大哥是对的!“象征了他的信任与崇拜。你看他最后一幕,拿起刀刺杀大哥时,脑里想的是“外人乱我兄弟者,视投名状,必杀之“的诺言。他就像机器人那样受到程式的控制去完成使命那样。



这部告诉了我们,要看清这残酷又真实人的一面。也暗示了生命的价值值多少呢?人的生命是那么碎弱和短暂的,它的价值就等于你回归给人间的是什么。纳投名状,结兄弟义,有福同享,有难同当,死生相托,生死与共. 三人最终都难逃死劫。

Sunday, December 16, 2007


一直以来, 本人都十分支持本地制作的各式各样的电视节目。所以嘛,总是会特别留意这些制作,看看马来西亚的电视制作水准到底到了什么阶段。



小玉简单的短发,较小玲珑和爽快的性格配上高大,英俊潇洒的henley,简直是绝配啊。Henley 的粉丝们可别吃醋喔。



Important note: 以上是本人几点想法 仅供参考

Thursday, December 13, 2007


前阵子, 太多人结婚了。可能是2007年是结婚的好日子吧!哥哥,表哥,表妹,堂哥等甚至朋友们都纷纷有结婚去咯!真感叹时光流失得太快了, 小时候的玩伴即将结婚了。不知轮到自己呢!


潮州,福建,广东,海南,客家等等籍贯都有着自己的结婚礼俗。 但大同小异。比如:文定和大礼。文定就是小聘,大礼则是大聘。通常男方会送一些衣物,首饰,布料等等去怒方家作为订婚礼仪。但现今人都免了这个订婚仪式了。接下来是大聘咯,全部礼品必须以双数为主,好事成双嘛。礼饼是不可缺的聘礼之一,其他就要看看对方的籍贯习俗,福建人就要求烧猪,金条等。



在整个婚礼上,最让小妮子留下深刻印象的是迎接新娘的一刻。哈哈,那 就是要娶新娘付出的代价,你以为这么简单吗?需要经过重重难关才行呀!留意下集的如何整新郎哥吧。呵呵。。。。。

Traditional chinese wedding invitation card

How to handle GST in Dynamics Ax

GST (Goods and Services Tax) is a kind of value added tax (消费税)that exists in a number of countries. there are Canada,Australia,Hong Kong, New Zealand, Singapore and so on.

Belive it or not, Malaysia is going to implement GST in which replacement of existing sales tax and services tax. however, the implementation date has to be confirm for annoucement.

Anyhow, have you ever asked yourself whether your system capable to handle this sales taxes? if your system is not designed based on the component-based articheture, you may need to modify the underlying system logic to adapt for the new features.

Good news for the ERP - Microsoft Dynamics Ax users because we do not need to make an changes if government going to implement this rules. As we know that Axapta has already provides the sales tax features in Finance module. It could be used for GST purpose too.

The following are the simple steps to setting up GST in Dynamics Ax :
1. Firstly, go to GL -> Setup -> Sales tax -> Sales tax codes
- you need to create a new record namely GST (before that, you are required to setup the settlement period, ledger posting account),and click on "Value" button to define how many percent or amount to pay

2. Associate the debtor to this particular sales tax codes at Setup tab -> sales tax group

3. Create item sales tax group at GL -> Setup -> Sales tax -> Item sales tax group

4. After that, you have to define the sales tax codes which assciate with your item sales tax group to apply for the sale tax calculation at Setup tab.

5. Remember the sales tax calculation is define at sales tax code instead of item sales tax group.

6. Lastly, associate the item sales tax group to particular items.

7. The sales tax calculation will be effectived based on the combination setting by customer and item. No sales tax calculation if system do not meet the rules.

After finishing the sales tax setting, you may start your sales order for this particular customer and items. System will automatic generate the sales tax for your billing. It is simple and easy make your supplier chain process more efficient and reliable.

Please get more details on Goods and Services in Dynamics AX and Frequently asked questions when implementing GST in Dynamics AX

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Year of Jacky Cheung World Tour 07 学友光年世界巡回演唱会2007

Jacky Cheung World Tour

Jacky Cheung World Tour

这年二零零七年九月十四号,在很偶然的机会下去看张学友的演唱会。我们是用电话定票的, 买了一百七十元, 座位不算近吧。当天,有点细雨, 导致交通拥挤,我们匆匆忙忙的来到bukit jalil stadium, 很幸运的并没迟到。但是,我还是要在这里倾诉一下那美中不足的地方。。。那就是售票机构的处理的方法,实在太差了,很没有规划。 让我在哪儿等了将近一小时才领到票。















13。 心如刀割

等等动人心扉的歌曲。记得当他唱“李香兰“这首歌时,他那把响亮的歌喉把每个人都带入了他的音乐世界里。此时,全场都静静的陶醉在他那美妙的歌声中,完完全全没有听到他的转气和喘气声。太赞了!他的声音仿佛会说话般, 深深的打动了每一位的心房。


上半场已完毕了。大家都十分忘我的呼唤歌神出场,“安歌,安歌。。。 “终于把学友叫了出来,他很有趣的讲了他那感人的故事,然后,带来了遥遥,讲你知等动听的歌曲。过后,还给我们呈现了一连串精彩的歌舞剧。他还蛮有天份的,总是会给我们带来惊喜。


最后,他还很烂漫的唱了“她来听我的演唱会“,“暗恋你“ ,“每天爱你多一些“,等等。有带来了一波又一波的温馨气氛。当晚,他唱了“祝福“来向每一位前来观赏他的演唱会的人道别。大家都纷纷站起来挥手祝贺他,并和他合唱这首歌。这一夜,学友的歌声仿佛征服了大地所有的一切,哪温馨的气氛洋溢了每一个角落。演唱会虽然已落下帷幕,但。。。留下的是快乐、感伤,还有满怀的期待…学友的音乐和歌声一直都在我们心中,没有消失过...那天晚上我毕生难忘啊...歌神就是歌神


Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Traditional Chinese Wedding on Invitation Card

As for traditional chinese wedding culture, those couple that intend to marry have to prepare for dining invitation to their relatives , friends or either colleageus. During this dining invitation, all guess will giving "Angpow" to the couple as a gift or money to greeting them.

Basically, the couple will prepare the invitation card which consists of one card indicate the dining venue, time, date and also a cover (envelops) to address the receiver name.

im pleasure that have the chances to assist my elder sister and brother to handle their wedding invitation card. Before that, i thought writing the invitation card was an easy task and should be just like a piece of cake. After a few times involved in writing this kind of matters, i only realized that it was not as simple as i think. Of course, if you know well the custom, it will be better.

Lets' me share with your on how to address the wedding invitation cards by using the traditional custom:

1. Family - 家 大哥 阖府统请 (to invite your brother, sister who has the same surname and your family members, 家 means your family)

2. Relations with marriage - 姻亲 大姐夫 阖府统请(姻亲 means relations by marriage; relatives by affinity; in-laws)

3. Your couple family - 亲家 XXX名字 阖府统请 (亲家 means parents of one's daughter-in-law or son-law)

4. Guest’s spouse - XXX名字 伉俪 升 (伉俪或夫妇 means spouse)

5. Friend - XXX名字 升 (one person only)

Importance notes:
阖府统请/合府统请 means invite entire/whole family
伉俪 means spouse only
升/台升 describe upward presentation

Get more details on Wedding at

Yummy Yummy ~~ Asam Laksa 好吃!!

我非常喜欢吃Asam Laksa, 每每到一个地方,如果是有Asam Laksa 的话;我绝不会放过每一次机会。告诉你们,上一回去双溪大年公干时, 很巧和的来到小贩中心。便叫了道地驰名的Laksa,价钱廉美,一碗才两元。这样的价钱在我家乡恐怕都找不到, 更何况是吉隆坡呢?

这一挡拉沙,统合了中华美食的标准:色,味,齐全。 真的没看过一碗装饰的有如鲜花那般美观, 这一碗有拉沙面粉(noodle),鲜鱼(shredded fish), 拉沙花 (Laksa flower), 小辣椒(chili),青菜(vegetable),虾膏(prawn grease)(看看照片就知道咯)。不但颜色均匀, 味道也很香, 保证吃了还想吃呢! 那感觉实在太棒了。这件店就在The Store旁边,你们还等什么呀,快去吃啦!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007












  用料酒、葱姜、盐腌制鱼片,码好后上屉蒸6分钟,倒少许调味汁 ,放点葱丝,在油里放点料酒,烧热后淋在鱼上,保准让你不出家门就能品尝到饭店里的美味。

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

How does Dynamics Ax perform the inventory settlement for closing process

Table 1 show the details of issues and receipts transaction until the inventory closing process.

Table 2.1 & 2.2 depicts how the cost prices being updated into the system after the closing inventory process in which taking the average cost price from the inventory.

Table 3.1 & 3.2 depicts cost price coming from the inventory settlement accordance with the issues and receipts.

How does system perform the inventory settlement?

Settlement for SO1
The below screenshot depicts the SO1 settlements details, there is no adjustment occurred during inventory closing. This is due to no cost variation to settle the issue against receipt. This issue directly gets the receipt from PO1.Please refer to table 3.1 for how the system calculates the inventory closing.

Settlement for SO2
Click on Updates tab at item transaction screen to view the physical, financial and settlement details. It will show you the physically, financially inventory updates and adjustment has been made after the inventory closing process. The highlighted value is the invoice updated amount.

Inventory value for financially updated, for example the invoice updating amount. While issue invoice, the cost price is derived from average price from inventory that is:

PO1 remain 99 qty, $5, total: $495
PO2 remain 100 qty, $8, total: $800
Item cost price: ($495 + $800)/(99 + 100) = $6.5075
Issuing amount : ordered qty 105 * $6.5075 = $683.2875

Notice that there is an adjustment RM140.29 for SO2 happened while item consumption that matching issues with receipts after the inventory closing. Please refer to table 2.2 & table 3.2 for further details. (The issues amount RM683.29 – item consumption resulting from inventory closing RM543 = RM140.29)

Know more about GST in Dynamics AX ?