Sunday, May 4, 2008

8TV Superstar: 郭晓薇赢了人气


她善用舞台魅力和选歌方面也蛮谨慎的,再加上郭晓薇在人际方面也下了不少功夫;她对交际也很熟练。比Hau 徐仕豪精明很多!有传言Kay与Boyz Frenz的Jason是情侶。当然唱功就不必比较了,Hau 徐仕豪当晚表现出色虽然跳舞方面输了点;但整体都不错!我朋友说听到Kay郭晓薇演唱《缺氧〉时,虽然是比原唱者唱得好听,但是还是看不下去。因为有点缺氧。。。。根本看不下去!!!有点闷的感觉。还有,当她跟光良合唱时,几乎没有默契和配合;只见光良唱到很辛苦,眼泪都要飙了出来,一直往上拉音。台下的评判员还说很甜,很有感觉。我的天啊!听了有点喘不过气啦。这就是Superstar?哇唠,简直低估了马来西亚的歌唱水准。也真让我失望极了,浪费金钱和时间看如此节目。看来比赛根本不讲究歌艺,是靠包装和人气的吧! 下一届的参赛者可要做点功课喔。

也许在现今社会,实力和偶像派中往往都无法找到平衡点,两者难以结合!从三届绝对Superstar 里头,我们都可以明显地知道最后的胜利者都会是外表,舞台,唱歌感情远远超于歌唱技巧。这一届总算是打破男生摘冠宿命成为第一位女冠军,让KAY郭晓薇打开了历史的一刻,真是晴天霹雳。

第一届:John 黄俊源 VS Desiree Tan 陈思莉

第二届:Henley 许俾文 VS Orange 陈慧恬

第三届:Kay 郭晓薇 VS Hau 徐仕豪


Kay 郭晓薇的档案










3大必勝之招:1.唱功強 2.信心 3.東馬人




It cant be denied that Kay has a good impression upon audiences perhaps she has a nice and sweet appearance and smilling. This would be the reason to have many supporters.

There is a rumor saying that Kay and Jason from Boyz Frenz are lover. Perhaps Kay is good in socilisation and she likes to learn and take advise from seniors. However when we talking about singing of course is Hau better than Kay. Supposely Hau performed better than Kay during the contest, the only bad performance was the fast song and dancing part but the other parts are quite well. My friend said when Kay sang 《缺氧〉this song, almost want to switch the channel. Even though she sang better than original singer, but her vocal quite bored. Another thing is when she sang with Guan Liang, i really get shocked because they have no coordination and feeling. I felt that Guan Liang sang very hard and his tears almost ran out not because touching (do not misunderstand) it is actually Kay sang in high tune in her way, she didn't sense that Guan Liang tune is different with her. However, the judges still praise Kay sang well and sweet moment with Guan Liang on the stage. What an incredible judgement.

I just felt that frustrated with the result this time and shame of malaysia reality show. Talent and appearance, which one will you choose? Are you satisfied with the superstar result?


Anonymous said...

如果是淞凤或者佩霞进入总决赛, 那么今年的总决赛必较刺激, 男女冠军双方斗个你死我活 , 双方的粉丝会有多多少少都会拼命投给他们的心目中的绝对SuperStar.

而且如仕豪败给淞凤或者佩霞 至少他也输得五体投地, 心甘情愿因为她们俩赢得实至名归 .

Anonymous said...

I'm very frustated and angry!!! How can it be Kay? She did not even qualified as a singer. She can't sing well. Hau's vocal and sound is much more millions time better than her.

This is the third time of Superstar Project. And it makes me feel more and more dissapointed with this Project since the starting. It is not what our country can be proud of.

Anonymous said...

HAU三大必输之招:1. 马不知脸长,自己输了就说给大家听自己输在人气,也不想想在实力方面和kay比起来才2/3;2. 唱歌的时候手部动作和"copy paste"没两样;3. hau唱抒情歌是厉害,可是快歌部分就输了一大半!那么以后出专辑的话只唱抒情歌,谁听了都会闲

KAY三大必胜之招:1. 舞台魅力和唱功都受到评审的肯定;2. 抒情歌或快歌都难不倒她;3. 肯学,得到评审所给的分数越来越高

PS: Kay和Jason是情侣又如何?人家人际关系好管你屁事呀!?有本事这些话拿去等报纸,到时每个kay的歌迷一人一口口水吐你你就白白淹死!在要不然你自己去当评审啦!不要在这里放狗屁说风凉话!hau要是胜了,emi100%倒闭,因为emi经理说了,KAY是能帮EMI赚钱的歌手!SO??? 绝对SUPERSTAR, 非KAY莫属

Anonymous said...

Kay fans,


